Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Update & Holiday
Posted by Josh - Traceur at 3:51 PM 8 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008
No More Parkour!
Am not aloud to do parkour or any other sport for AT LEAST a month!
Posted by Josh - Traceur at 9:40 AM 9 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Pushups Record!
I have been training and conditioning really hard lately.
Posted by Josh - Traceur at 4:18 PM 4 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sydney Parkour Class
Just quickly as it comes to mind,

Posted by Josh - Traceur at 2:57 PM 1 comments
Sydney Parkour Class 13-07-2008
Yesterday was great as it was a sunday free. My family and I went to the city to go to the parkour class (obviously just my brother and I actually did the session, although they do encourage people of all ages and there are the occasional parents). I practiced muscle-ups on a tree with Antek before we started, and learnt a lot. When we started, we split up into two groups, first time and not first time, I went into first time even though I had been there before, this was because Tyler wanted to do it again and I had his drink-bottle. We did warm-ups, vaults, roles, arm-jumps, and tic-tacks before doing very painful conditioning then just some cool-downs.
Posted by Josh - Traceur at 2:23 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
Parkour Training Blog
Just the other moment, while talking to a friend called Antek, I decided that from now on this will become my Parkour training blog! Hooray for me! If you don't know what it is, well…, well…, I'll tell you. Parkour is a new French-discipline/sport/art, it is not very well recognized and usually given the wrong impression. Trasceurs (People who participate in parkour) are often seen as trespassers or idiots that just jump off buildings for fun. No that's not it at all. The idea is trying to get from A to B as efficiently and quick as humanly possible. It requires a lot of strength and fitness. Trasceurs are not just trying to clear the physical obstacles in the path, but also the mental obstacles. Vaults are common in parkour as it is the easiest way to clear an obstacle, just simply jump place hands on it and somehow get the rest of your body over. Flips and tricks are often thought to be parkour, but they actually belong to Free Running, (if you like parkour's brother). They are very similar but free running does not have to be efficient, so thinks like flips which use a lot of energy, is used are included. Anyway, yes, I will dedicate this blog to my parkour and training, however, I will occasionally give an update of my band Lights Out (even though, we may change the name). Any ways, got to go train. Peace
Posted by Josh - Traceur at 9:19 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
New Guitar!
Today I bought a new Epiphone Limited Edition Pirates of the Caribbean Les Paul Studio!
I understand some people see it as a childs guitar because of the Pirates Of The Caribbean thing, but I don't care because its actually a very good guitar. Its worth $1,000 but I picked up a new one for $400 THATS A WHOLE 60% OFF! THATS INSANE! Any way here is a picture:
Posted by Josh - Traceur at 8:06 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Amazing Parkour Video
This is quite an amazing video, this is not the original, the real video had different music and was an add for BBC tv. This is David Bele*, this is the founder of the art/sport/discipline and as you can see, very good at parkour. I added this video in particular because I like how the music sort of works (Especially at the beginning).
Posted by Josh - Traceur at 4:36 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Random Post
It's almost winter and half yearly exams are fast approaching, I just hate this time of the year. The point being I have slacked off with my Parkour training lately, and we haven't practiced in our band for a very long time! This upsets me. But not to worry, I'll get over this.
Okay today my friend Daniel was doing something on the computer with another friend, I wasn't paying that much attention, however I did notice that others were gathering around. Later he told me that they were on a website that could give an answer to any question you could ask it. E.G. How old am I? Peters Answer: 17. He went on to tell me the website name, www.peteranswerscom .
When I got on to this site I repeatedly typed the petition followed by a question and nothing happened. I soon realized that this was a tick you could pull on a friend. What I figured was the other friend was actually putting the answer into the petition without Daniel realizing. This simply means, when you type random letters into the petition it comes up as what you have typed, but, if you start with a "." thats right a fullstop, it starts a P in the petition, now type the answer to the question you will ask E.G. " .Parkour " It will come up as: " Peter, p " When you have written the answer but the pettition has not been finish, put another "." to end it and then continue with the actual petition.
It was a clever trick and can be use as a great prank! Some people will never get it.
Any Way, Bye For Now
Posted by Josh - Traceur at 7:17 PM 2 comments