Friday, July 18, 2008

Pushups Record!

I have been training and conditioning really hard lately. 

I just wanted to say that I have broken my personal best record in pushups, I have reached 50 in one set witch is really very hard when you think about it and requires quite a fair bit of strength.
Also, I have been practicing handstands as a result of a saw knee I got from the parkour class but I have had problems and pain for a while there, I think I may have the early stages of Osgood-Schlatters. Any way I can nearly hold a handstand for as long as I want, you get to a stage when your not going to fall unless you want to. So I can nearly there, still not perfect yet, also I am trying to get a raise handstand. I have no chance at the moment as I am still not strong enough yet but will have that as my goal by say, end of August, and if I don't get it, well, I'll keep trying.
Bye For Now!
Here is a photo of one of my handstands. (Sorry, Video camera is broken so took a photo)


Josh - Traceur said...

Woo! Its hard you know!

Atamarashi said...

thats awesome! been perfecting the flag?

Josh - Traceur said...

Yes, that too.

Josh - Traceur said...

Bad photo.